The New Nation Of KAMBUF's

Sovereign Proclamation To The Nations

The "New" Nation Of United African Kingdoms Of KAMBUF's

Proclamation Of Sovereignty

A Letter To All Nations and all Countries (With-Ties),.. That participated and or benifited from any slave trade operations that exploited the people and resources of Africa,.. Our Existence and Purpose (Mission I)

From This Day Forward -

I,.. King - KAMBUF - The King Of The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

Declare African’s From Every Part Of The Globe To Be In The Care Of And Under The Full Protection Of

The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

A Sovereign Nation To Be Composed Of Several African Kingdoms Called Sovereign City States

It Is Today Our Responsibility As Africans - To Reject Any And All Obligations To Any And All Countries (With-ties) That Participated And Or Benifited From Any Slave Trade Operations That Exploited The People And Resources Of Africa,..

So,.. If Said By Any African,... Full Nation Of KAMBUF Citizenship Has Been Awarded To Them,...

Today Is The Day That Africans Across The Globe Stand Together

As One People,.. Of One Nation With One Common Goal And One Common Destination,..

- Amen,..

The New Nation Of KAMBUF Believes In The Dream Of

The United States Of America,

For This Reason We Will Continue To Shape This Great Country Towards Our Image,..

To Ensure That It Reaches Its Full Potential And Goals,..

However This Will Never Happen Without The Continued Help Of The Africans - In(America),..

Nor Will This Happen With The African American’s Sole Citizenship Being That Of -

The United States Of America,..

For This Reason The Africans In America And Accross The Globe,...

Are As Of Today

October (19) Nineteenth, (2019) Two Thousand Nineteen;.... Year Of Our Lord,...


Also - Citizens Of The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

A Sovereign Nation To Be Composed Of Several African Kingdoms Called - Sovereign City States,..

As A Sovereign Nation - The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

Born In - The United States Of America -

Will Fight For, And Award Reparations To All African People,..

In America,.. Reparation Will Be Awarded To All Africans That Can Trace Their Lineage In America,

Prior To 1964 - The Passing Of The Civil Rights Act. -

We Will Look For Similar Laws,.. Being Passed In Other Countries,.. To Use As Benchmarks Dates,...

To Those Africans That Claim Citizenship In The New Nation Of KAMBUF

Know That Our Nations Core Values And Teaching Are From -

The Book Of KAMBUF

- Of Natural Laws & Necessities -

Let It Be Known - That, These Natural Laws,.. Will Guide And Govern Our Resolve,..

So Let It Be Known,..

That The New Nation Of KAMBUF’s Founding Mission

- Is Based - On The Principle - That Every - Citizen - Will Be Intitled To -

The - Necessities Of Life - Without The Need For Coin,...

Which Are,..!


Food / Drink







Cash Profits

To Those Africans That Claim Citizenship In The New Nation Of KAMBUF

And Qualify For Lineage Reparation,... - You Are Hereby Informed That You,.

- Should Stop Making Any Mortgage Or Tax Payments On Any Properties You Own,..

- From This Day Forward, The Said Property Is Yours Owned Free And Clear With No Tax Obligations,...

To Be Held In Your Family’s Name From This Day Forward Until Returning The Said Property To -

The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

A Sovereign Nation To Be Composed Of Several African Kingdoms Called Sovereign City States -

Let It Also Be Known

That No African Is Obligated To Pay Any Income Or B&O Taxes, From Their Past, Present Or Future,..

To Any Government (With-ties) -

Let It Also Be Known

That Any Non-active Collectable Debt And Or Defaulted Debt Or Student Loans Or Medical Bill Obligations -

Are Also Hereby - Forgiven - And No Longer Due,...

From This Day Forward

The African Kingdom Sovereign Nation Protective Forces Of KAMBUF -

A.K.A. - Our (Archangels) -

Will Police And Patrol Our Own Cities, Neighborhoods And Homes,..

No African May No Longer Be Approached,.. Questioned,... Engaged Or Apprehended,..

By Any Law Enforcement Agent Or Agency - Without The Judicial Permission Of The New Nation Of KAMBUF,..

Let Me Repeat - No Law Enforcement Agent Or Agency,.. Of Any Government (With-Ties)

May Approached,.. Questioned,... Engaged, Pull-Over, Ticket, Detain, Apprehended, Arrest Or Kill Any Person Of African Desent,..

Or Futhermore Enter the Boarders of;

The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

A Sovereign Nation To Be Composed Of Several African Kingdoms Called Sovereign City States -

Except And Only With The Judicial Permission Of The New Nation Of KAMBUF,.. Or Under Direct Escort Of

The African Kingdom Sovereign Nation Protective Forces Of KAMBUF -

A.K.A. - Our (Archangels) -

And Only- In During The Act Of An In Progress Violent Crime Against Human Life Or Safety,..

And - That African - Must Be Apprehended Alive - If No Other Lives Have Been Lost,...

From This Day Forward -

The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

A Sovereign Nation To Be Composed Of Several African Kingdoms Called Sovereign City States -

Will Govern All Africans,.. Will Police And Patrol Our Own Nations, Countries, Cities, Neighborhoods And Homes,...

Within All Country Borders And Territories (With Ties),..

While There,... We Will Write Our Own Laws,... And Judge Ourselves In Our Own Courts,.. So Help Us God,...

Let It Be Known - That Any Action - By Any Government - Or Any Agency Of Any Government -

That Attempts To Circumvent - The Sovereign Status - Of Any African Person - Will Be Held Liable And Accountable To The New Nation Of KAMBUF

From This Day Forward -

The New Nation Of KAMBUF

Will Print And Distribute Its Own Coin,..

That Will Be Fully Supported By The American Dollar

And Backed By The Land, Seas, Airs, Resources, Kingdoms, And Economies Of The Continent Of Africa,... -

For Which The Nation Of KAMBUF Lays Sole Claim,..

Let It Be Known That No African Will Willfully Give Up Their Citizenship To Any Country Or Nation They Have Citizenship In,...

Africans Will Furthermore Continue To Abide By All Civil And Criminal Laws Within The Countries They Live By, Continuing Their Positive Contributions To Society In Their Daily Lives,..

Africans Will Continue To Fully Participate In Their Country Of Citizenships

Political And Voting Systems,...

All Africans Will Also Retain The Right To Fully Participate In The Country Of Citizenships Military Systems,...

Let It Be Known That The New Nation Of KAMBUF Will Strategically Create African Kingdoms Within (With-ties) Countries Borders - Using Districting, Housing Assignments And Gerrymandering Practices

To Create The Borders Of Our

- African Kingdom - Sovereign City States Of KAMBUF,..

In Addition The Nation Of KAMBUF Will Seat,..

Additional Senate And House Seats On Both The State And Federal Levels -

To Accommodate Any New African Kingdoms Created,...

It Should Be Known That

The New Nation Of KAMBUF And Its Global Network Of African Citizens -

Holds No Threat To The Countries In Which We Will Establish Our African Kingdoms,...

For It Has Been The Continued Threat Towards The African That Demands

The Birth Of This - New Nation Of KAMBUF -

As We Move Forward In Solidifying The Existence And Formation Of;

The Great Nation Of KAMBUF

We Ask That All Countries And Governments (With-ties) -

To The Participation And Or Benifiting From Any Slave Trade Operations,...

That Exploited The People And Resources Of Africa,..

To Stand, - The Fuck Down,...!

And Release Any And All Perceived Claims To The Continent Of Africa Its Land,..

It's Resources, It’s People Or Its Sovereign Existence,...

The Nation Of KAMBUF - Is A Peace Bearing, God Fearing Nation Of Africans -

That Controls Its Own Destinies, Borders, Resources, And People,..

To And Through Our Own Efforts,...

- To The Existing Great African Nations Of Africa -

Our Future Discussions Will Dawn An African Rising Sun Of Prosperity And Independence That Will Never Set,...

As It Relates To Africa,.. Know That All Deals - Are Not Good Deals,..

As The World From - East to West - Continues To Knock On Your Doors,..

I, King Of - The New Nation Of KAMBUF -

Strongly Advise To No Longer Answer,..

Let Us First Round Table Our Directions As One Nation,..

And Declare,...

From This Day Forward All Foriegn Powers Knocking On Our African Doors,..

Or Landing On Our African Shores,....

Will Be By Invitation Only,...

To All My Fellow Africans,.. Know That You Are Loved,...

And That Your Brethren And Sisters From Across The Globe Stand United,...

As One African People,.. With One African Voice,...

That Will Alter The Timeline Of Existence From This Day Forward,...

As We - Walk, Study, Entertain, Learn, Run, Sport, Speed, Create, Innovate, Teach, Fly, Launch, Teleport And Evolve - Our New Nation Of KAMBUF,..

Into A Model Nation Of African Brilliants,...

The New Nation

“The United Africans Of KAMBUF”

The Great Restructuring Of The African Has Begun,.. - Amen

May God Bless The African,.. Along With All People Of This Earth,...

May God Bless The New Nation “The United Africans Of KAMBUF”,.. Along With The All Nations Of This Earth,...

May God Shine Bright The Light Upon The New Nation Of KAMBUF,..

That It Serves As A Beacon For Humanity -

- Amen,... Your Humble Servant,.....